Following are the Traffic Challan Rates w.e.f. July 01, 2012. Amendment in Twelth Schedule of Ordinance XIX of 1965 "Twelth schedule Violations and Penalties 


Go to search! Search E-Challan By Vehicle Number and CNIC. Go to search!

here you can find all the updates related to teams, matches, Following are the Traffic Challan Rates w.e.f. July 01, 2012. Amendment in Twelth Schedule of Ordinance XIX of 1965 "Twelth schedule Violations and Penalties  When a driver violates traffic rules, then Traffic Officer takes his relevant documents and issues him a challan ticket. This ticket contains information about the  2 Jan 2021 LAHORE: The Punjab Safe Cities Authority has introduced facility of online e- challan payment 20 Nov 2020 LAHORE - Punjab Safe Cities Authority (PSCA), in collaboration with the Finance Department, has decided to introduce online payment system  On Shiekh Abdul Qadir Jillani Road or Out Fall Road Lahore, Pakistan. +92-42 -99211558.

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Go to search! Lahore ma E-Challan check krny ka kaya taraiqa qar ha. 2019-09-17 In order to facilitate general public at large, City Traffic Police, Lahore in collaboration with PITB has developed E-Payment System through which Traffic fines can be paid online from anywhere in Pakistan through the following channels with no time limitation:-a. Any ATM Machine with 1-Link Facility. b.

LAHORE: Keeping in view people’s convenience amid the coronavirus pandemic, the Punjab Safe City Authority (PSCA) has formally launched a new electronic traffic challan e-payment system in Lahore. CHALLAN PAYMENT INQUIRY; OFFENCE/PENALTIES; TRAFFIC PLAN; TENDER; JOBS; Lahore, Pakistan +92-42-99211558 HELP LINE 15 CALL CENTER Simply, dial 24/7 e-Challan “Traffic Violation Reporting System” (e-challan) is an Android-based mobile application that helps the Traffic Police in verifying the license status of a person who has violated the traffic laws and issuing traffic violation tickets on the spot.

e-Challan “Traffic Violation Reporting System” (e-challan) is an Android-based mobile application that helps the Traffic Police in verifying the license status of a person who has violated the traffic laws and issuing traffic violation tickets on the spot.

The extent of working efficiency of this system has already been tested through the trial run in Lahore. The system will now be operational officially in the entire city from September 24, 2018. Any violation including over-speeding, wrong u-turns, breaking … Punjab Safe City Authority (PSCA) as a team with the Punjab Police presents the E-Challan framework.

E challan lahore

Plate Number (ABC 000, ABC 0000, ABC-00-0000). CNIC (1234567890123) or Chassis Number. © 2021 - E-Challan System By PSCA

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Any violation including over-speeding, wrong u-turns, breaking […] E-Challan System Enforces in Lahore - Views 0 - 25 Sep 2018. Share FB. Tweet. Punjab Safe City Authority (PSCA) has made the collaboration with Punjab police to start the E-challan system.
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Here's how you can pay the e-challan  E-Challan. * Title. * Name. * CNIC / NTN Number.

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E-Challan System PSCA Issued 75,000 E-challans - More than 7 Million Deposited in National Exchequer Punjab Safe Cities Authority is pleased to announce much anticipated onset of Electronic Challaning from Monday, Sep 24, 2018.

Web Desk On Nov 19, 2020 LAHORE: Keeping in view people’s convenience amid the coronavirus pandemic, the Punjab Safe City Authority (PSCA) has formally launched a new electronic traffic challan Punjab Safe Cities Authority (PSCA) in collaboration with the City Traffic Police (CTP) has launched the E-Challan system in Lahore, under the directives of the Lahore High Court (LHC). E-Challan In an aim to improve traffic management without any human interference and to tackle corruption, Punjab Safe Cities Authorities (PSCA) launched the e-challan system in Lahore, last year in September 2018.


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The PSCA Spokesman also said that E-Challan System will be launched in other Cities as well. The introduction of E-challan system in Lahore is a step forward towards making the city secure and safe. It is important to educate the citizens in terms of traffic rules and their violations. It is about time to digitalize the existing regulatory systems in Pakistan by implementing E-challans in urban cities. e-Challan “Traffic Violation Reporting System” (e-challan) is an Android-based mobile application that helps the Traffic Police in verifying the license status of a person who has violated the traffic laws and issuing traffic violation tickets on the spot.